by Scott Lawson | Mar 9, 2021 | Blog
Through the expertise and efforts of Delphi Technology Corporation based in Winnipeg, the world of virtual training is about to launch forward. The team at Delphi, lead by CEO Alan Tay, a new training experience will be available soon for those who are interested in...
by CCAA (Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace) | Mar 9, 2021 | Blog
Why should I become Certified? CCAA certification is documented proof that you have met nationally recognized standards in a specific occupation. Employers, education institutions, and industry workers everywhere instantly recognize a CCAA-certified individual to be a...
by Brett Chadwick | Jan 26, 2021 | Blog
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our studies, careers and social lives in many ways. The aviation industry has been hit particularly hard. In addition to limited seating on available flights, there have been travel restrictions, stay at home orders, and cancelled...
by Scott Lawson | Jan 20, 2021 | Blog
An Initiative of R.E.A.L. Services Canada AIM-AA (Advanced Aviation Model for Aviation and Aerospace) is a leading initiative that focuses on developing and evaluating new models with industry and youth to build the future workforce. AIM-AA works directly with...